​information on streaming

Kirsty, Kirsty for you


​geo-political media

shop is closed, iTunes has Boy With Pigtails

streaming on Spotify

​colour the sky

music blog

Youtube ​music videos

x-works & the pigarists

​album on Soundcloud

social media

disclaimer: all texts in our daily blog are sometimes fiction, not fact, please try not to believe the words written, at any time. song lyrics are from my stuff available on streaming. click images.

cerebral storm frequencies - boy with pigtails streaming on spotify

​The Rabbit has a  twitter account

GeoPolitiCorp provide geopolitical analysis

streaming on Spotify

​tears of love

boy with pigtails, the ufo conspiracy​Soundcloud

Nation State Agenda album

daily* blog (click above)

dystopian texts all is art
the rabbit is on twitter

boy with pigtails & RBT

click to meet the band